If you find yourself with tired, sore or strained eyes, there may be some every common eye care mistakes at hand. Here are a few things to avoid if you're susceptible to irritated eyes:
Touching or rubbing your eyes
Your eyes are incredibly sensitive, to the point where even touching or rubbing them will potentially cause irritation. Although it may feel like rubbing your eyes will make them feel better, it's rarely ever the case and will only make them worse. The best thing you can do when you feel like you need to rub your eyes is to blink rapidly, or use over the counter eyedrops to remove any debris.
Using expired eye products
If your eyes only feel worse after using products, check the expiry date. Eye drops and saline solutions should not hurt going into your eye or thereafter.
Too much screen time
By now, we are all well aware of the damage prolonged screen time can do to our eyes. Screens, although sometime inevitable to stay away from, are culprits for eye strain, dry eye, and other conditions. As much as you can, try to take frequent breaks when using a screen, following the 20-20-20 rule.
Not wearing the right lenses for your eyes
If you're a glasses or contact lens wearer who suffers from sore or strained eyes, it could be an indication that your prescription is no longer right for you and your vision capabilities. This is an important sign to make an appointment with your optometrist.
So, what can you do? See the friendly Zephy Medical team!
At the first sign of eye pain, the best thing you can do is see your optometrist. When it comes to your eye care, it's never worth ignoring a sign or symptom that something may not be right, as with many eye conditions, the sooner you act upon them the better.
Zephyr Medical is a bulk-billed mobile optometry clinic, servicing the South-East Queensland and Northern NSW regions. Our team is dedicated to providing patients with comprehensive services to benefit their eye health in the comfort of their own environment or workplace. Get in touch with us today to book an optometrist appointment that suits your schedule.