In the past decade, there has been a huge shift in improving one’s physical health to avoid disease and discomfort. A lot of health awareness is to do with the mind and the physical body, which is why one of our most important senses is often forgotten… SIGHT!
Just as you would exercise to stay fit, eat well to ward off disease, and meditate to calm your mind, there are ways you can improve the health of your eyes for the duration of your lifetime. Here are our Top Five Tips for Eye Health:
Eat Well
Eating well may very well be the key to absolute health. After all, we are what we eat! Good eye health starts on your plate. Be sure to include foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and vitamins C and E, which you’ll find in foods such as:
Dark Leafy Greens
Oily fish (eg. Salmon)
Non-meat protein sources (eggs, legumes, nuts)
Citrus fruits
A diet abundant in nutrient-dense food also decreases the likelihood of Type II Diabetes, which is the leading cause for blindness in adults.
2. Wear Sunglasses
Who said eye care wasn’t stylish! Sunglasses protect your eyes from the sun’s UV rays. Too much UV can be responsible for cataracts and macular degeneration, so when shopping for sunglasses, invest in a pair that blocks at least 99% of UVA and UBA rays or simply ask us at your next appointment and we will show you our extensive range!
3. Step away from the screen!
It isn’t new information that our digital screen companions don’t do much for our eye health. Screens are perpetrators for eye strain, blurry vision, dry eyes, and more that affect the wellbeing of your eyes. Talk to your optometrist about ways to reduce your eyes’ exposure to the screen.
4. Quit Smoking
Smoking doesn’t do your eyes any good. If you’re a smoker, you are more likely to get cataracts, damage your optic nerve, and develop macular degeneration, amongst many other serious health issues. Quitting is all about the support of friends, family and professionals, so if you’re struggling to kick the habit, reach out for help. Your eyes (and your entire body) will thank you for it!
5. See your optometrist regularly!
We may be biased on this one, but we love to see our return patients! Every person, both young and old, needs to have regular optometry check-ups. An eye exam is a quick and painless appointment that allows the wellbeing of our most prized sense… sight. Eye exams can also diagnose any diseases (like glaucoma) even when there are no symptoms. The earlier a visual impairment is spotted, the easier they are to treat.
Zephyr Medical is a bulk-billed mobile optometry clinic, servicing the South-East Queensland and Northern NSW regions. Our team is dedicated to providing patients with comprehensive services to benefit their eye health in the comfort of their own environment or workplace. Get in touch with us today to book an optometrist appointment that suits your schedule. Book a free appointment here.